News News

Giants in the Forest? The latest book titled: "Let the Giants - point of bialowieża oaks"

Over the years, it has become known that the best-known symbol of the Bialowieza Forest are bison. It turns out, however, that there are much larger giants there. We encounter them not so often, because sometimes it is difficult to capture them in...

ForBioSensing, Po burzy…

Pierwszy dzień lipca przyniósł do Polski bardzo gwałtowną pogodę. To wynik przemieszczania się powietrza polarnego morskiego znad północnego Atlantyku,  czego skutkiem było zderzenie się dwóch mas nad naszym krajem. Jednostki meteor...

IV meeting of the LIFE + Project Steering Committee ForBioSensing PL

As part of the project activities conducted by the LIFE + ForBioSensing project, on June 14, at the headquarters of the IBL in Sękocin Stary, a meeting was held with project stakeholders - the 4th meeting of the Steering Committee. Invited gue...

The first meeting - Bear in the Białowieża Forest (witnesses report!)

The employees of the Forest Research Institute were the first (on Friday, June 14th) observers of a bear in the Polish part of the Białowieża Forest. This is the first of reliable observations of this animal for several decades. What was the st...

In the Białowieża Forest is hot again, high temperatures were noted!

The Forbiosensing team, during tasks carried out in the project, collects data on many features of trees and stands of the Białowieża Primeval Forest. Their condition and development depends, among other things, on weather conditions occurring in t...