Promotional flyers of ForBioSensing project available in Białowieża's institutions and organizations!
We are pleased to inform you that our promotional leaflets from now on can be found in many organizational and institutional units of Białowieża. The leaflet contains valuable information about the project and we hope that by using one of the most...
Life + Forbiosensing at the 13th National Conference of Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing
On September 24-25, 2018, at the headquarters of the Faculty of Geographical Sciences of the University of Lodz, the 13th National Conference of Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing took place. This conference, in connection with the year of the...
Bialowieza Forest, admiring biodiversity: Indian summer in the Forest
During the beautiful autumn weather in recent days, the ForBioSensing team working in the Forest observes how the air fills with silver thread spiders. This phenomenon is called "the Indian summer time". It is reflected in numerous poetry, painting...
ForBioSensing - information collected in the Bialowieza Forest available in the form of Meteoportal!
The ForBioSensing team has the opportunity to present you with a new design work - Meteoportal. The site was created for access to current and accurate meteorological data collected from the area of the Białowieża Primeval Forest. These data ar...
ForBioSensing - "School Day" 2018 in Białowieża
On September 10, 2018, the ForBioSensing team took part in the "Day for Schools" 2018 in Białowieża. The event was organized by the Forest Research Institute and the Forest Technical School in Białowieża, as it was very popular every year. Young peo...
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