News News

ForBioSensing - Forest history recorded by trees

Specialists in the ForBioSensing project analyze the history of forests in the Bialowieza Forest written in annual growth rings of trees. The purpose of these activities is to learn about the long-term dynamics and history of the development of sta...

POLSCAN - I national Forum of LIDAR Users

POLSCAN - 1st National Forum dedicated to LiDAR users took place on October 22-23 in Sękocin Stary. The main purpose of this event was to create a permanent nationwide FORUM for the exchange of information and practical implementations between...

Forbiosensing at the 6th International Scientific Conference "Tourism in valuable natural areas" in Białowieża

On October 17-18 the ForBioSensing team took part in the 6th International Scientific Conference 'Tourism in valuable natural areas', organized on behalf of the Institute of Forest Sciences of the Bialystok University of Technology, the Kronenberg...

Open data - ForBioSensing at the conference in Białowieża

At the headquarters of the Mammal Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in one place: foresters, scientists, government administration, representatives of companies, naturalists, discussed the sharing of scientific data and involvin...

Konkurs na stanowisko specjalisty ds. meteorologii, pozyskania i analizy danych terenowych LIFE+ do Zakładu Lasów Naturalnych IBL w Białowieży

Specjalista ds. meteorologii lub hodowli lasu, pozyskania i analizy danych terenowych do Zakładu Lasów Naturalnych w Białowieży poszukiwany! Osoby zainteresowane prosimy o przesłanie CV i listu motywacyjnego na adres:  D.Raczkowska-Paluc...