ForBioSensing for the sake of safety - a strong wind in the Bialowieza Forest
Due to the strong winds prevailing in the Białowieża Forest, as members of a team working for several years in these areas, we would like to appeal to our recipients. We always take care of safety, especially during strong winds, heavy rain or thun...
ForBioSensing at the event "Conference of Polish Dendrochronologists"
On February 5-6 in Warsaw the "Conference of Polish Dendrochronologists" took place. This is a cyclical event that creates a place for discussion on a multifaceted analysis of annual growth rings of trees and shrubs, and also opens the field for co...
Chcesz pracować w interdyscyplinarnym zespole naukowym? Chcesz wiedzieć co dzieje się w Puszczy Białowieskiej? Jeśli tak, mamy dla Ciebie pracę w Instytucie Badawczym Leśnictwa! Chcesz pracować w interdyscyplinarnym zespol...
Polish Dendrochronologists Conference 2020 - Preview
This year's 5th edition of this event will take place on February 5-6 at the Faculty of Forestry of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW. It is a great opportunity to gather in one place specialists dealing with multi-faceted analysis of ann...
ForBioSensing promotional videos
We invite you for a film journey in the Białowieża Forest. During the project several promotional films were created, which are designed to disseminate the ForBioSensing team's project activities. The techniques used to collect the image in long in...
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