After Busko Zdrój ... Networking - Meeting with UNEP / GRID - Warsaw
After the meeting of LIFE projects in Busko Zdrój (, we invited one of the projects participating there for the next meeting. On 15 February 2019 employees of the UNEP / GRID-...
Forest in numbers: The share of dead wood
Dead wood is an indispensable component of the forest ecosystem. It significantly influences the increase of the natural diversity of the forest. In the project, we monitor its quantity in various parts of the Forest. On the basis of fieldwork from...
ForBioSensing at a conference presenting the results of the REMBIOFOR project - "Remote sensing of wood biomass and carbon resources in forests"
On January 22, 2019 in the Conference and Exhibition Center IBL in Sękocin Stary, a conference was held presenting the results of the REMBIOFOR project - "Remote sensing of wood biomass and carbon resources in forests", co-financed by the National...
The Life of a tree
We invite you for a film journey through a dense, species-rich forest, through the forest. A place that has been providing our team with amazing experiences for several years - the richness of the forest landscape and the surrounding biodiversity a...
Spot announcing the promotional film Forbiosensing titled "Life of a tree"
The Forest Research Institute together with the ForBioSensing project team cordially invites you to the premiere of our latest dissemination film entitled "Life of a tree". The film presents the life of a tree in the forest (from seed to the d...
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