Puszcza Białowieska, podziwiając bioróżnorodność: W chłodny poranek nadchodzącą jesień zwiastują parujące żubry
Start your morning with us and the bison! During monitoring works, ForBioSensing often has the opportunity to observe the beauty of the forest fauna. And including its largest representatives, including: bison in the morning in the following video....
ForBioSensing, our activities in the Białowieża Forest: Morning in the Forest
We have something for people who want to see the world of the awakening nature of the Białowieża Forest. We present one of the most interesting views in the forest - the fog covering the forest stand. Field workers come into contact with surfaces w...
The forest is changing - the ForBioSensing video library
We try to keep reporting all of our project activities. Published entries include: reports from field monitoring works (inventory of stands in the Polish part of the Białowieża Forest, reading data from dendrometers, ground laser scanning etc.) or...
ForBioSensing, our activities in the Białowieża Forest: Taxation work
The middle of August is behind us, and intensive field work is underway in the Białowieska Forest as part of the ForBioSensing Project. The best weather conditions are currently being used to carry out field work as scheduled. The team works h...
The LIFE + program as the basis of ForBioSensing
From the beginning of the project's operation, we have the pleasure to implement a number of activities related to the monitoring of the state of the stands of the Białowieża Forest and promote project activities under the LIFE+ financial instrumen...
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