New article published in the "Remote sensing" journal
One of the most important tasks related to the implementation of the ForBioSensing project under the LIFE program is cooperation with other entities - Networking. This task enables the exchange of knowledge and experience, establishing contacts as...
Scientific article published in the Forests journal
We invite you to start a new day, not only with coffee, but also with reading. A scientific article just published in collaboration with ForBioSensing employees and the Forest Research Institute, titled "Health Assessment and Genetic Structu...
The latest scientific article - ForBioSensing
We invite you to read the latest scientific article created as part of the ForBioSensing project. The authors of the publication: Miłosz Mielcarek, Agnieszka Kamińska and Krzysztof Stereńczak point out the rapid development of digital aerial p...
The Białowieża Forest, admiring the biodiversity: The richness of flora in the spring
We would like to introduce you to the colorfulness and diversity of plants that can be found in the spring in the Białowieża Forest. The richness of flora in the Forest is huge. Our employees have the honor to admire the beauty of this extraordinar...
ForBioSensing, our activities: Changing the location of ForBioSensing in Sękocin Stary
Dear Sir / Madam, Due to the development of the Forest Research Institute, ForBioSensing changes the location of the project office and rooms of all team members from Sękocin Stary. ForBioSensing, after more than 5 years of stationing in...
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